On October 19, 2013, the 4th Big Meetup of CZ/SK bronies took place in Prague – it was also the first meetup organized by the CZ/SK Bronies z.s. association.
The whole event started with a sightseeing game around Prague, called “Cutiemark Crusaders – Universe Travelers”. The participants of the game took on the roles of Cutiemark Crusaders (young ponies looking for their life missions). The game began with a large number of 26 teams on Palackého náměstí, from where groups of three players later set out on a route described by fragments of Princess Twilight Sparkle’s diary. The groups then went through interesting locations in Prague and performed thematic tasks.

The end of the game, as well as the main program itself, took place in KD Kyje, where in addition to joint entertainment, participants waited for DDR (dance music game), refreshments, a summary of contemporary brony art in a small interactive exhibition, as well as announcing the winners of the Prague Mascot competition and games. The whole event ended with the accompaniment of Czech and Slovak brony musicians.
Miss Libussa, the mascot of Prague in the form of a pony-unicorn, also introduced herself for the first time at the meetup. Congratulations to Aya Yai, as the winning author in the competition for Miss Libussa’s appearance!
With a total participation of over 150 bronies from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, it was until then the largest community meeting in the territory of both of our republics. Despite all the fears, it turned out that the community of My Little Pony fans in our country is growing at a fast pace and the desire to meet as well. We were at the beginning, yet many of us knew we were entering a new era. And in the light of future events, it soon became clear that we were not just right, but also much bigger events awaited us than many might have thought at first.
Discussion: thread at bronies.cz (thread with photos)
Equestria Daily: Nightly Roundup #816
External galleries: BlueStorm | Quint-t-W (.rar)| Xsoft | kotyz | CreepyRiver | pipa943
Authors of photos in the selection: CreepyRiver, Jamis, BlueStorm, Quint-t-W